Adhesive Removing Plier
Adhesive Removing Plier

These pliers come with a 1/4″ already loaded in the working end with one extra in the package. Replacement pads can be re-ordered as needed. Reversible, replaceable blade is used to remove the bulk of composite material after debonding attachments.

$170.00 Create an Account
Blade Breaker
Blade Breaker

Blade breaker.

$285.00 Create an Account
Boynton Needle Holder
Boynton Needle Holder

Boynton Needle holder is straight, and 4.75″ length.

$219.00 Create an Account
Force Module Separating Pliers
Force Module Separating Pliers

It is used for placement of elastic separators.

$170.00 Create an Account
Gelpi Retractor with Grip Lock, 7.5″ Length
Gelpi Retractor with Grip Lock, 7.5″ Length

2163380 MH Gelpi Retractor w/Grip Lock 6-3/4″ sold indivdually sold as Individually Pt# MH11-366 by MTX –Int MLX -PLEASE NOTE PHOTO MAY NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL ITEM. USE TITLE ONLY

$235.00 Create an Account
Mathieu-Ryder Needle Holder, 6-3/4″
Mathieu-Ryder Needle Holder, 6-3/4″

Mathieu-Ryder Needle holder has a double spring for use of a 3.0 – 6.0 suture, and is 6-3/4″ length.

$205.00 Create an Account
Model PCF-N-TCL/C Needle Holder, Castro #3, Curved Carbide Jaws (6″/15.2 cm), Spring Stainless Steel
Model PCF-N-TCL/C Needle Holder, Castro #3, Curved Carbide Jaws (6″/15.2 cm), Spring Stainless Steel

Needle Holder, Castro #3, Curved Carbide Jaws (6″/15.2 cm) spring, stainless steel/Laschal Model PCF-N-TCL/C.

$279.00 Create an Account
NIPS Tissue Nipper, Small
NIPS Tissue Nipper, Small

An invaluable aid for blending two or more surgical procedures within a surgical site.

$168.00 Create an Account
Tip Back Pliers
Tip Back Pliers

A unique contra-angle design allows for easy access and bending the wire intraoral. Available in long handle design for easy reach to the posterior buccal tube.

$165.00 Create an Account
Toruqing Plier with 0.018″/0.022″ Key
Toruqing Plier with 0.018″/0.022″ Key

A torquing pliers with .018″/.022″ key. (Includes 678-328 and 678-021).

$175.00 Create an Account
Weingart Pliers with Long Handle
Weingart Pliers with Long Handle

Versatile utility pliers with serrations. Tapered 32° angular design is convenient for placement and removal of archwires.

$175.00 Create an Account